BOJ 백준 23242 Histogram 문제: 23242번: Histogram For a range of $[1, n]$, the natural numbers in the interval are called the data values and let $f_i$ be the frequency count of the data value $i$ in the range. The frequency of a data value $i$ is the number of occurrences of the data value $i$ in the lis 길이가 n인 수열을 B개의 bucket으로 나누었을 때, 각 bucket의 ..
BOJ 백준 23242번 Histogram
BOJ 백준 23242 Histogram 문제: 23242번: Histogram For a range of $[1, n]$, the natural numbers in the interval are called the data values and let $f_i$ be the frequency count of the data value $i$ in the range. The frequency of a data value $i$ is the number of occurrences of the data value $i$ in the lis 길이가 n인 수열을 B개의 bucket으로 나누었을 때, 각 bucket의 ..